Saturday 26 January 2013

Burrr, it's cold in here!

Burrrrrr, it's cold in here! There must be some snow in the atmosphere.

So it's been two weeks since I've arrived in Denmark. There is so much I want to say! So here is goes,

1. Weather
It is close to the end of January and boy is it cold here! It's about -4 degrees Celsius and the wind here definitely doesn't help the cause. So yes, you HAVE to bundle up or else you will be freezing and trust me, losing a toe due to the cold weather is not something to be desired. But my host family is amazing and they've helped me with winter gear so I could save my money for other things.

 My friend Lisa and I matching

Copenhagen has a huge biking community...everyone does it. So when walking in Copenhagen, you really need to watch out for the bikes because if you are like me, you WILL get run over (My friends are a huge help when it comes to keeping me alive). Buy yes, biking here is awesome, there are biking lanes everyone you go which is great because you don't have to worry about cars running you over. And the bikers have their own rules about the road. For example, if you want to turn left, stick your left hand up. If you want to go right, stick your right hand up. If you want to stop, bring your hand up to a 90 degree angle and if you want to pass someone, ring your bell. And the train has a special section for those who want to take their bikes to lets say the city (Copenhagen) and when you get there, you can "park" your bike at the station. 
See, you can just park your bike. It's awesome!

3.The City
Copenhagen is absolutely fantastically gorgeous. No joke. Everywhere you walk is stunning. The architecture here is something to behold. I feel like I am living in a museum that is actually really interesting. There is so much history here and being able to learn about it is wonderful. I went to a museum with my Danish Language and Culture class last Wednesday and we got a tour of the kings theater. Here are some pictures!

4.The Danish Language (Dansk)
I'm taking a language course while here and I will just say that Danish is a very difficult language to learn. They have certain vowels that are not in the English and hence, very VERY difficult for me to say. They have an O that has a line through it and I will tell you now, even if you repeat it 50 times, you still won't get it correctly (I've tried). So yes, I will be trying my best to practice my Danish while I am here and thank goodness I am leaving with a host family because they are extremely wonderful when it comes to me speaking Danish...and patient! (Jeg hedder Flora= My name is Flora). The spelling is nothing like the pronunciation so you may want to go to Google Translate.

5. My host family
One word that describes them so far. FANTASTIC! There is Tine (mom), Sidse (daughter), Pelle(son) and Ditte(daughter). Tine is a wonderful woman, she really wants me to feel comfortable while I am here and I appreciate it a lot. Sidse is the youngest and isn't comfortable speaking English but she still tries and she had me shave the side of her head...yes, shave, its all gone now but it looks good on her. Pelle is a little more reserved but he is really nice. Ditte is also really nice. Basically what I am trying to say is that I got paired with an amazing family that is welcoming and just great to be around. 

Now for some pictures :)

I went to an AWOLNATION concert while here! I went with my friend Lisa and man it was FUN!
 -2 members of AWOLNATION-2 members from the opening band. can't remember their name. But man, she has blue hair! oh and Lisa is to my right :)

I went to go see The Hobbit in 3D with my Mythology Class and the popcorn here is huge!

So yes, this is not even half of what I've experienced. Just know that right now, life is good, life is really good. 

-Till next time my good friends

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