Sunday 12 May 2013

Just some rain for ya.

I had my core course presentation this past Wednesday and what a day that was! I'll start from the beginning with my trip to the station.

This started off as any other day, you know I woke up, had my yogurt for breakfast and took a shower. The only difference was that it was raining here and there. Nothing fancy. It was around 10:56am and I was supposed to meet a friend at 12:00 at school to go over my presentation. When I left the house, it was drizzling a little bit and I was 80% sure that I would make it to the station within 10 minutes. 2 minutes into my bike ride, well wouldn't you guess it, the clouds let loose everything they had inside of them. And I mean EVERYTHING. Stupid me thought "Oh it's fine, it's just a little rain". Well no. It was more than a little rain, I felt like I was swimming in the ocean and I was not having a good time. After the brutal realization that I should probably not bike during this stormy weather, I thought "hey! I can take the bus". I started biking to the bus station which was in the direction back towards my house. I get there and literally 2.5 minutes later, everything just stopped. No rain, no wind, no cars, no life. I was soaking wet and there was no proof that it was due to the rain.

I checked the timetable at the bus stop to see when the next bus would arrive and just my luck, I had missed the bus by 3 minutes and the next one wasn't arriving for another 45 minutes. I had two options, wait for the bus and be extremely late or just bike. I chose to bike of course in hopes that the rain had stopped for good. I began to bike and it wasn't bad. I get about 1/2 way to the station and it starts drizzling again, I just bike faster because the rain is beginning to come down faster. 3/4 of the way there, I can't see very well because of all the rain drops covering my glasses and by this time everything but my torso was wet (thank you raincoat!). I decide that before something bad happens, I should just take a break from fighting with mother nature because I was obviously not going to win. And so, I pull over, park my bike and enter into a random store. As soon as I walk in, the receptionist looks at me and can already tell i'm just using their facility as shelter from the rain. All I say to her through my wet face is "hi". While in there, I use the bathroom to get paper towels to try and pat myself "dry". Once out of the bathroom, I start starring longingly outside the window saying "rain rain go away" and unlike those creepy witch movies, my chanting did not work. Something came over me though, why was I going to let some rain (even though it technically already beat me) win? I still had to meet my friend and so, I went out one last time. I mounted my bike and rode through d torrential rain, stopping once again just to clean my glasses of all the water. As I peddled through the last stretch of the bike ride, I knew I learned a few things.

Lesson 1. Invest in rain pants and rain boots.
Lesson 2: if you are going to bike in the rain, try to wear black because when it gets wet, it only looks better!

Though it took me 30 minutes to bike to the station, I was only 20 minutes late to meet my friend. Not too bad. Once at my school though, I went into the bathroom and started using the hand dryer to dry myself which it worked very well.

At about 15:00 (3pm), I went to my class to do my presentation. My group did a really good job presenting. We had our final core course dinner afterwards and it was great. The brew-house we went to had a drink named Flora which I of course had to get. And it was delicious! The sad part was saying goodbye to everyone afterwards. My friend Meredith was saying "Have a great life" to everyone and it was so bitter sweet. We will most likely never see each other again even though we say we will. It's crazy how in life you will meet people that change your life for either that moment in time or for hears to come. You tell yourself you will meet again but that's not always the case. It's as if we are protecting our own feelings from the reality that "hey, this is it buddy, see you never...". Are we as humans so scared of experiencing such emotions that it has become first nature to act that way? This needs to stop! Why are people so afraid of telling each other the truth? People say the truth hurts. Well gosh darn it, I can handle the pain. I'm not saying it doesn't suck to know I won't see the people I've met abroad again but just hit me with it. I promise I can handle it.

So enough rambling, I've only got a 5 days left in this beautiful country called Denmark, 5 days left with my wonderful host family who I can't even begin comprehending that I won't be living with them anymore. I need to make the best of it. NO. I WILL make the best of it.

Until next time!

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